Civil War Buff 75: August 2007

Friday, August 31, 2007

Journals 8/27-8/31

8/28/07 Even though their parents objected, Capitan Ron took her and her friend on a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon.

8/30/07 Aunt Felicia said, "Golf is more relaxing than swimming or jogging."

8/31/07 Mark's father is an engineer at the Ace Farm Equipment Co. his mother is an illustrator at Herrara Publications, Inc.

Will the lunchline set up succeed?

I believe the new lunchline will succeed. I think it will make the lunchline move quicker than last year. Last year the cafeteria was croweded and unorganized.

Beans or Franks?

I would rather have hot dogs than beans. I'm not a big bean fan when it comes to food I would rather meat. Just give me a big hot dog and I will be happy.

What was your most memorable summer adventure?

My most memorable summer adventure this summer was going back to Gettysburg with my grandparents. We went up to for Gettysburg for the weekend to see what changes the new changes were at the Gettysburg Battlefield. My Pappy Steve and Grandma Jean take me to a different Civil War Battlefield each summer. Last year we went to Vicksburg, Mississippi to see Stone Mountain, the largest Confederate Memorial in the USA.