Civil War Buff 75

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Title: Stonewall Jackson’s Book of Maxims

Author: James I. Robertson Jr.

Publication date: Copyright 2002

Page count: 125 pages

Type: Nonfiction (Biography)

Started on:

Finished on:

My grade: A

Why did I decide to read this book?

The reason I decided to read this book was that Thomas Jonathon “Stonewall” Jackson has always been my idol in the Civil War. I have written several book reports and studied many hours at the computer about Stonewall Jackson. I had been searching for a different book about Stonewall when I came over Stonewall Jackson’s Book of Maxims. I did not grasp what the book was about until I started reading the induction of the book. After I stopped reading a little part of the introduction I realized that this book was different than any book about Stonewall Jackson that I have read. The introduction basically said that the book was regarding his maxims that he wrote during his short life.

Who was the general subject of the book?

The general subject of the book was Stonewall Jackson. He was born in Clarksburg, Virginia, which is now West Virginia, on January 21, 1824. Stonewall Jackson was the third child of Julia Beckwith Jackson and later died when Jackson was seven years old. Jackson was sent to live with his Uncle Cummins’s at his grist mill. When Jackson lived with his Uncle Cummins he was taught to be an exceptionally hard worker and self discipline. The book also talks about his later military and personal life.

What were some key events in this person’s life?

One of the most unfortunate events of Stonewall Jackson’s life was living without his mother or father. In 1842, Jackson secured him a position at the United States Military Academy in West Point, New York. Jackson started at the bottom of his class because of his poor schooling, but eventually made it to the top 20 of his class. One event that took Jackson time overcoming was the death of his wife Elinor Junkin while she was in labor. Jackson served many tours in the Mexican-American War. During the end of the war he was awarded the rank of first-lieutenant. Thomas Jackson had several personal battles to conquer in his life yet in spite of his personal difficulties he worked to overcome his battles.

What was the most interesting thing I learned about this person? Why?

The most interesting thing I learned about Stonewall Jackson was how he thought a gentleman should behave around people. In section five, “Politeness and Good Breeding”, Jackson discussed his views on being a true gentleman. Politeness, kindest, eye-to-eye contact in conversations, never speaking too long, or interrupting a person who is speaking is examples of his gentleman standards. As I read the book it helped me to become a better gentleman. Although this book was written over 140 years ago some of those standards hold true today.

Overall, was the information presented in a interesting way?

The overall information was presented in an extremely interesting manner. The introduction of the book was compelling. It gives brief information regarding his childhood and adult life. The book was divided into sections with each section having a category, such as section I was, “Choice of Friends”, section II was “Rules of Conversation”. The overall intent of the book was Jackson’s view points about how a person should conduct their life.

What is the significance of the book's title? Is the title appropriate, or would I change it to something else?

The significance of the book title is that Stonewall is sharing the guiding principles of his life with the reader in the hope that the reader will learn and adjust their life accordingly. Yes, the title was entirely appropriate because Stonewall chose to share the principles upon which he conducted his life. Stonewall was a man of honor and self discipline though he may have fought against you in a war he still had respect for you. Even the title itself was significant. Whereas other have written their memoirs, he chose to share something more significant and I’m sure in his eyes more honorable, which in the final analysis was what he was all about.

What is my opinion of this book? Why (give specifics)?

My opinion of the book was that the book was remarkable. The reason why it is remarkable for me was because Stonewall Jackson was such a brilliant man. He has to be the perfect gentleman of all time. From not only reading this book, but also from studying about him, has made me look up to him and live by his standards. I have read many Civil War and Stonewall Jackson books, but this one has had most effect on me after reading it.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Jounals 9/4/07-9/7/07

9/4/07 "Sally, Whom did you see at Fox's Pizzia last night? "Megan asked after algebra class

9/5/07 By the time the Fourth of July parade ended, the light drixxle became a downpour, and few people remained on Main Street.

9/6/07 In my opinion, Twelve Angry Men is the most powerful play of the two I read last week in English class.

9/7/07 Tana loaned me a copy of Computer Facts, the magazine that published the article "Computer Graphics."

In honor (sort of) of the holiday. Whats the worst kind of labor?

I think coal minning is the worst kind of labor. When your a coal miner you have several risks. One of the risks that you deal with every day is breathing in the toxic air, down in then mines. As a coal miner working under ground with several types of machines, and tools in tight, and dark areas can be very dangerous. The one risk that you hear about today on the news is miners being trapped underground and that is another serious risk you take being a coal miner.

Should Michail Vick ever be allowed to return to the NFL?

I think Michael Vick should never return to the NFL! Michael Vick has broke several serious laws and is a emabarrassment tho the sport. I think Michael Vick thought he was above the law and he could have done anything he wanted to. I also think Michael Vick should go to jail.

Which city/landmark in the "mainland" U.S would you most like to visit?

The city I would most like to visit would be Vicksburg, Mississippi for a second time. Vicksburg is the gome of the largest Confederate Monument in the U.S.A. The name of the monument is Stone Mountain. Stone Mountain is a huge rock mountain and has carved into it Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, and the great Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson.

Two weeks in: grade the new principals

As the new school year is starting I think that our principals are doing a wounderful job. Our returning second year Head Principal Mr. Wimer is doing a great job on organizing and keeping the school togather. Mr. Saturday is one of our new Asst. Prinicipals and so far from what I have saw and talked to him he really cares about our fellow students. Mrs. Twigg from what I have talked to on a coulple of occasions at lunch and she seems to be a caring person.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Journals 8/27-8/31

8/28/07 Even though their parents objected, Capitan Ron took her and her friend on a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon.

8/30/07 Aunt Felicia said, "Golf is more relaxing than swimming or jogging."

8/31/07 Mark's father is an engineer at the Ace Farm Equipment Co. his mother is an illustrator at Herrara Publications, Inc.

Will the lunchline set up succeed?

I believe the new lunchline will succeed. I think it will make the lunchline move quicker than last year. Last year the cafeteria was croweded and unorganized.

Beans or Franks?

I would rather have hot dogs than beans. I'm not a big bean fan when it comes to food I would rather meat. Just give me a big hot dog and I will be happy.

What was your most memorable summer adventure?

My most memorable summer adventure this summer was going back to Gettysburg with my grandparents. We went up to for Gettysburg for the weekend to see what changes the new changes were at the Gettysburg Battlefield. My Pappy Steve and Grandma Jean take me to a different Civil War Battlefield each summer. Last year we went to Vicksburg, Mississippi to see Stone Mountain, the largest Confederate Memorial in the USA.